Problem Solver

Keith Thomas

Keith Thomas

Areas Keith Thomas is Knowledgeable in:

Sports Equipment
Assistive Devices
Physical Games
Outdoor Equipment
Anything really

Techniques Keith Thomas Uses:

Mind Mapping
Design Thinking
SWOT Analysis
Concept Sketching (rough)
Focus Groups
Group Brainstorming
User Research
Scientific Literature Research
Mock Up
Root Cause Analysis
5 Whys
Iterative Design; fail fast appraoch
Rapid Prototyping

Keith Thomas's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Ability to generate simple form based solutions
  2. Concept Development; can generate a wide breathe of ideas very quickly
  3. Design Thinking, i am a professional industrial designer
  4. 3D modelling; engineering based modelling and surface modelling
  5. Prototyping and model making (physical models)
  6. 3D rendering
  7. User Reasearch and Usability testng
  8. Knowledge of human factors and egronomics; specifically in schools and workplace
  9. Basic Grapic design

Keith Thomas's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Designed and produced outdoor party furniture
  2. I have designed and developed an elementary school chair that aids in the development of strong posture and core in children to help prevent back injury/pain in adolescence and adulthood.
  3. Developed a golf putter design (still in early stages and needs testing)
  4. I designed an fitness accessory for gymnastics ring users. The design allows the user to use a wider grip while on the rings to increase grip/wrist strength and to make movements more challenging for advanced practioner.
  5. I was a part of a think tank that proposed solutions regarding food scarcity and local food production and consumption. My main contribution was designing a interactive display where users would play thru a dystopian grocery store. Th goal behind this was to educate the public on current food shortages and a potential food crisis.
  6. Developed a rescue device for Search and Rescue teams to aid in the recovery of hypothermia victims.
  7. Designed and developed over 50 props in the film industry. Most of my work revolved around functionality and producibility of high end movie props/costumes