Problem Solver

Kevin Luxon

Kevin Luxon

Areas Kevin Luxon is Knowledgeable in:

New product concepts to mass production, setting up manufacturing partners, licencing programs, sales channels, business opportunities, and commercialization of ideas.

Techniques Kevin Luxon Uses:

Vision, hard work, and common sense. I create a workable plan to prove concept, test concept, test marketability and determine if it can be manufactured, commercialized, then invest in the prototype, MP, and engage in the full life cycle study.

Kevin Luxon's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. new product development
  2. inventing
  3. Product Improvement
  4. business development
  5. manufacturing

Kevin Luxon's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Perfect bug trap for homes, still under development.
  2. Perfect crowd funding strategy for China seeking USA based Crowd Fund Dollars
  3. I invented the early earthquake warning system after the 1992 Landers Earthquake. I did not patent the idea and was happy a gentleman from Japan filed for the same concept in the 2000's. So many ideas, so many possible patents, so little money.
  4. I invented the World's first hearing aid compatible cellular phone
  5. I invented the "Self Inflating Whoopee Cushion" and sold it to Ja-Ru Toys in Jacksonville FL.
  6. Best Pet Wound Care called "First Aid Pet Spray" due out later this year. Fast acting, all natural, safe to like, works in seconds.