Problem Solver

Kisia Kahonga

Kisia Kahonga

Areas Kisia Kahonga is Knowledgeable in:

Waste Management, Mapping or Remote Sensing, Environmental Education, Data Collection and Analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit, Occupation Safety, Forestry, Water Management, Land Use, Environmental Economics, Public Health, Ecology, Internet Research, Geography, Pollution, ISO 14000 and 14001 among others

Techniques Kisia Kahonga Uses:

Making team members aware of the problem, ask for individual input and brainstorming together on the present problem for amicable solution collectively.

Kisia Kahonga's Problem Solving Skills:


Kisia Kahonga's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I proposed for the introduction of Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) for a research company that was adopted and currently in use.
    I proposed for the use of Participatory Rural Approaches in restoration of deforested hills which was used to restore the ecology of the hills.