Problem Solver

Kumalie Walker

Areas Kumalie Walker is Knowledgeable in:

Risk assessment, assurance, business process improvement, accounting, policy and procedural design, unstructured problem-solving.

Techniques Kumalie Walker Uses:

Matrix thinker (multi-factorial brain processing rather than linear analysis), audit and assurance techniques, internal controls gap analysis, redesign, re-engineering or disruption solutions development, balanced scorecard, communications with stakeholders, industry research, and legislation review and revision.

I consider three key areas: status quo elements such as resources, stakeholder knowledge and industry factors and look for technical improvements such as strengthening of critical controls, before finally developing innovative, yet practical, solutions.

Kumalie Walker's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Risk analysis
  2. Audit
  3. Matrix problem-solving
  4. Business process analysis
  5. Risk assessment
  6. Internal controls analysis
  7. Accounting

Kumalie Walker's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a new revenue assurance framework (including business specifications behind a new web-based system) that allowed government to collect $11 million more in revenue and reporting companies to significantly reduce administrative costs.
  2. I developed and implemented a deregulation and regulatory costing framework for a key government legislation agency that identified close to $40 million in deregulation savings.
  3. I have assisted more than 50 companies, not-for-profit entities, non-government organisations and government agencies (including in health services, environmental services, regulatory, education, welfare and financial sectors). I have critically examined their business processes and identified workable strategies so they save on cost, enhance quality, reduce risk and improve safety. This has included review of policy and operational frameworks, accounting and financial frameworks, as well as operational design and governance, quality assurance and decision-making models.