Problem Solver

Kumar Shubham

Kumar Shubham

Areas Kumar Shubham is Knowledgeable in:

Energy crisis, Android, gaming, future technologies which are yet to come

Techniques Kumar Shubham Uses:

Look around myself, there are enough things which is required to solve a problem.
I just have to choose the quickest and trusted things which solves it.

Kumar Shubham's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Game developer (Android)
  2. Innovative (got ideas that consists of both business profit & solving energy prob and can be implemented if resources provided)

Kumar Shubham's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have 3 ideas which are business oriented and would change the world of advertisement. I am trying to get patent for the same and need some resources to implement it.
  2. I developed an android game both for entertainment as well as for personal use.
  3. I developed a renewable energy process using a turbine and a moving vehicle like train, producing energy which is stored in batteries for further use.