Innovative People

Kyle Mcclure

Asking 100 questions to provide one answer that is then morphed into a question that sounds so much like an answer, it speaks universally to everyone as an open-ended understanding, which can be further questioned by the next individual. Until we stop becoming the money race, and we become the question race. The society that finally learnt to come together. By realizing answers are both true and false, so they are always false... They are relative. Questions are neither right nor wrong, so they are truth in and of itself. If we ask the right questions, we already have the answers. But to be furthered upon into infinity, they must accurately become questions. Deliberated on until the world is equality. An autopilot survival area, where the human condition is so close to being solved... Everyone can be equally questionate. The world could instead work to find the closest answer to truth. Which will always be a question. But eventually the question will be soooooo good, the answer that follows will be the most valuable answer understood, but still false. Until nothing is true. And we realize. We are all one.