Problem Solver

Lawan Mbaya

Lawan Mbaya

Areas Lawan Mbaya is Knowledgeable in:

Business Consulting
Product Review and Analysis
Problem Solving

Techniques Lawan Mbaya Uses:

Questions inspire answers and so does vivid problems inspire innovative solutions. 4 Step Process for Problem Solving I use:

1. Identify and analyze the problem source critically
2. Propose projected solutions
3. Research on similar problems and solutions
4. Tweak and implement ideas to solve the problem
(Recycle the process until a suitable solution is acquired)

Lawan Mbaya's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Research in Innovation
  2. Company/Idea Branding (Product/Company Naming, Tagline Suggestion)
  3. Idea Generation (Meet a need)
  4. Unrelenting zeal for solutions of eternal value