Problem Solver

Leang Hak Khun

Areas Leang Hak Khun is Knowledgeable in:

Plant breeding
Plant protection
Farming system
Seed production
Climate change

Techniques Leang Hak Khun Uses:

- Basing on analytical skills and science
- Observation on interaction between plant/animal and environment.
- Combination of other research results

Leang Hak Khun's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Plant Breeding

Leang Hak Khun's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - I had experienced doing research on rice insects.
    - I have experienced in designing breeding approaches for water melon, pumpkin, mungbean and rice.
    - I used to study on genetic linkage between flowering genes and other agronomict traits in rice.
    - I have experienced solving problem on encouraging kindergarden children to be able to write letters.