Problem Solver

Leonard Aniachuna

Areas Leonard Aniachuna is Knowledgeable in:

Mathematics, Economics and Accounting.

Techniques Leonard Aniachuna Uses:

Understand the problem,Look back, logical reasoning method and guess and check strategy

Leonard Aniachuna's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. EMPLOYMENT-Analytical skills, computer literacy, flexibility/adaptability, interpersonal skills, problem-solving/reasoning skil
  2. MATHEMATICS-Analytical skills, problem solving skills, investigative skills, communication skills, Good working habits.
  3. ECONOMICS-i am a very logical person, problem solving skills, ability to create & interpret chart, ability to write.
  4. EDUCATION-Adaptability to both technology and social outlook, innovative, organized, impartiality, tolerant and effective commu
  5. FINANCE-Marketing & sales skills, attention to details, project management ability, problem solving skills, ability to work for

Leonard Aniachuna's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed and improve the generic ability to solve real life problems.
  2. I developed a mathematical symbols that will enable one understand when to apply + and - while solving mathematical problems.
  3. I built up a strategy for a large pharmaceutical company to place internal control on their drug.