Problem Solver

Lew (Lewis) Lederman

Areas Lew (Lewis) Lederman is Knowledgeable in:

Presently: Artificial Intelligence, CyberSpace, Building a better economy.

Techniques Lew (Lewis) Lederman Uses:

I use my knowledge of the field in question to think generally about the breadth and depth of the issue and where more information and analysis might be found. Then I find it. Think about it. And begin to write. As I write, I see the areas that need developing, and more research and refining too.

Lew (Lewis) Lederman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Thinking and Deciding. Right Brain-Left Brain. Creativity. Innovation.
  2. Financial System operations and regulation - Interbank clearing, and CDIC
  3. Currently a member of Council of Professional Engineers Ontario.
  4. Government Regulation - a 3 term Council member of the Ontario College of Pharmacists.
  5. Much more, if you want it. This, at least, is a start.

Lew (Lewis) Lederman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. As an expert in insurance regulation wrote a report for the Government of Alberta and testified in Court respecting whether banks "promoting" insurance in Alberta was "banking" and thus federal, or "not-banking" and thus provincial. Alberta was successful at trial, on appeal and at the Supreme Court of Canada.
  2. At the Canadian Payments Association, as in-house lawyer (in the early 80's): Did the first systematic analysis of the legal characteristics of clearing and settlement (in my day we cleared some $11 Trillion per year). The study provided the basis for making the Clearing Rules public, aiding in transparency .