Problem Solver

Luke Davies

Areas Luke Davies is Knowledgeable in:

Business, Rescue, Medical (Front line emergency), Security (Military)

Techniques Luke Davies Uses:

I inwardly analyse all problems, and am quick to ascertain the key elements to implicate or eradicate. I base my techniques on my experience, but also on the knowledge of others through careful research.

Luke Davies's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Medical Educator
  2. Marketing Management
  3. Entertainment Manager
  4. Adult Educator
  5. Business Management
  6. Mines Rescue
  7. Former Security Specialist

Luke Davies's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have invented previously a safety cable for personal radio equipment (Such as Police) that safeguards against the possibility of being used by an assailant as a weapon (Garrote). (It simply has multiple connectors)
  2. I have worked for several years in managing projects for several companies from new startups to sme's, designing and implementing new plans for development. This often includes total aesthetic rebranding, and taking the owners vision, and making it reality (With common sense changes).