Problem Solver

Maliha Nasir

Maliha Nasir

Areas Maliha Nasir is Knowledgeable in:

English, Psychology, the legal system, politics etc...

Techniques Maliha Nasir Uses:

english, translating, math, computer skills, law

Maliha Nasir's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. technological skills
  2. Language Skills

Maliha Nasir's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have spent most of my life learning different languages as my parents speak in incredible tongues, such as: Urdu, Norwegian, Dutch, spanish, french, English, Mandarin. I was inspired by them and am still learning new languages
  2. I just finished High School and am majoring in English and Minoring in law and criminology, I plan to go to law school so My english skills are very high. I had been in England from the ages of 1 to 13 so I went to school in England where they are very strict on grammar and after taking my SAT in grade 6 I was accepted into one of the top schools in London
  3. I learned how to hack when I was 18, I know how to understand python and have taken part in CTF competitions