Problem Solver

Marcelo Vivacqua

Marcelo Vivacqua

Areas Marcelo Vivacqua is Knowledgeable in:

Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Education, Personal development, mentoring to inventors and scientists to help to transform inventions into successful marketed products.

Techniques Marcelo Vivacqua Uses:

I use many tools of creative thinking and problem solving according with the audience profile and needs and some of them was created by myself from my experience as an Inventor and Scientist which make part of the EducaInnova Education Methodology.

Marcelo Vivacqua's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Creativity,
  2. team leadership
  3. problem solving
  4. time optimizer
  5. innovative thinking
  6. interpersonal relationship expert

Marcelo Vivacqua's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed 2 solutions for the animal healthcare and management: one chemical composition to make a non surgical castration and another to treat some kind cancers as melanoma and breast cancer. These compounds were made using the natural active principles bromelain, papain and lactic acid.
    I developed a educational methodology to teach inventiveness, innovation, and entrepreneurship for both students and professionals of all areas based on the neuroscience scientific principles named EducaInnova (