Innovation Author

Maria Amelia Bueschlen

Maria Amelia Bueschlen
The journey to self-discovery, healing, and purpose is multifaceted. Understanding challenges like apathy, generational trauma, and identity issues leads to deep understanding for personal growth and well-being.

Her book delves into the truths of displacement and deep trauma, emphasizing the struggle of those who don't know their roots or where they belong. It explores the impact of toxic environments on displaced individuals.

As an international biracial adoptee, the author shares their personal experience of childhood instability and the quest for answers through psychology, philosophy, and social science. They explore questions about their biological mother's mental health and the systemic issues behind relinquishment.

The author argues that blaming mental illness or bad parents oversimplifies the issues faced by orphans and adoptees. They point to the environment as a significant factor and emphasize the importance of ecology, spiritual connection to nature, and social identity.

The book chronicles the author's journey from poverty in Brazil to privilege in Switzerland, highlighting the challenges of fitting in and finding a sense of self. They describe the grief, sadness, guilt, and apathy they felt and their struggle to pretend to belong. Eventually, they broke down under the pressure to conform.

In the book, the author explores how the environment shapes identity and the importance of addressing apathy to find one's purpose.

"After healing and soul-searching, she didn't find what she has lost. No, she finally remembered what she has always forgotten - her dreams". - Maps

Maria Amelia Bueschlen's books:

Maps In The Jungle