Problem Solver

Maryse Schembri

Areas Maryse Schembri is Knowledgeable in:

Music, Acting, Career problems, Unleashing creative goals, moving forward in life by eliminating blocks, personal coaching, methods to reach your goal.

Techniques Maryse Schembri Uses:

Defining the problem: It is very important that I totally understand what the problem is. There are times that I have to ask further questions to make sure that I am clear as to what needs to be resolved.

Generating alternatives:There are always alternatives that can produce different outcomes.

Evaluating and selecting alternatives: It is important that these alternatives match the individuals needs,personality, aptitude and desires.

Implementing solutions: The solutions will be a result of the above techniques.

Maryse Schembri's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Counselling, teaching, faciltating, composing, acting, public speaking, play piano, guitar and sing

Maryse Schembri's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I also teach most music subjects and realize that not everyone learns the same way. I therefore have to amend my way of teaching to enable each individual to gain a complete understanding of the subject and be the best they possibly can be.
  2. I have 43 years teaching experience where I am constantly being challenged working with diversified individuals.
  3. I have 21 years facilitating experience running Artist's Way Groups. Here I am faced with many career based, emotional, psychological, creative and personal growth challenges that individuals of all ages and walks of life face every day.