Problem Solver

Matilda Malmgren

Matilda Malmgren

Areas Matilda Malmgren is Knowledgeable in:

Many subjects. I dive deap into almost everything.
But mostly how people behave is a main .

Techniques Matilda Malmgren Uses:

I think about it, use visualisation and all my memories off everything i have ever learned, and then i solv it.

Matilda Malmgren's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Paint

Matilda Malmgren's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Dont have a solution that is grand or big.
    I have mostly used my solution skills on smaller level.
    Like how to organise a space, and how to get most out off a space.
    And also made idees for the city i live in, to grow food nearby to creat
    jobs and lessen the pollution. In a growinghouse, the city i live in is slow, so they have not accualy built it.