Problem Solver

Matthew Nash

Areas Matthew Nash is Knowledgeable in:

Problem-solving, math, aquaculture, programming, sequencing, algorithms, finding patterns, achieving results, and making money.

Techniques Matthew Nash Uses:

I am highly logical, which allows me to see past extraneous information and focus on what matters. When working with a team, I tend to find alternate solutions to the same problem that are often just as, if not more, effective than the collaborative solution. I accomplish this by seeing past what others might view as an obstacle and finding another way to get there.

Matthew Nash's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. -I developed a marketing strategy for a small painting business and single-handedly generated over $45k in sales within two months in a town with a median income of less than $40k per year.
  2. -I collaborated with a team and developed an aquaculture tutorial system with an implementation cost of less than $140 that could yield 10 lbs of tilapia per month after the first 6 months while using less than 6 gallons of water per day and required less than 30 minutes of maintenance per day.
  3. -I helped design and program a miniature robot to complete micro-tasks in competition. Our design won the "Most Innovative Design" award among hundreds of entrants.
  4. -I developed strategies to source employees through college websites and social media based on geographical location and interests.