Problem Solver

MD Idiake

MD Idiake

Areas MD Idiake is Knowledgeable in:

Computer Science, ICT, Programming, Marketing, etc.

Techniques MD Idiake Uses:

I like understanding as much as possible the background to every problem I am interested in solving and I am bold enough to try out unconventional (likely) solutions, even if they are not popular.

MD Idiake's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Problems Solving
  2. Programmer (VB6 &
  3. System Analyst

MD Idiake's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. In another SMS-related product, I have developed an Electronic Voting System that relies solely on SMS in such a way that is Completely Convenient, Tamper-Proof, Hacker-Proof, Secured and Credible.
  2. I have developed an innovative and intuitive dual SMS referral platform that is able to receive queries or (SMS) requests, process such requests and is able to then send replies both ways: to the requesting party and then to each of the requested parties.
  3. In my Hospital Management Software, I developed a routine to effectively determine what medications could be given to a patient that could not pay the bill at a go and the routine is able to keep tabs on the patient until the bill is totally paid (most likely after several subsequent visits to the hospital).
  4. I developed a simple yet effective activation process to protect my desktop apps (over 20 of them) from piracy- It is now 22 years and still counting and in that period I have only EVER had ONE instance when this security was breached, but I quickly modified the relevant parameters soon after.