Problem Solver

Megan Brunious

Megan Brunious

Areas Megan Brunious is Knowledgeable in:

Construction, audio technology, video technology, process evolution.

Techniques Megan Brunious Uses:

I review similar working solutions while examining the outcomes to find areas of improvement (critical review).

Megan Brunious's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Radio engineering
  2. Project Management
  3. Structural engineering
  4. PC Computers
  5. Photoshop
  6. Audio engineering
  7. Music performance
  8. Demolition
  9. Construction
  10. Automotive engineering
  11. Mechanical engineering

Megan Brunious's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I managed commercial movie theaters for 15 years, solving problems in projection, audio, video, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical that cover a spectrum of areas.
  2. I budgeted and managed more than 20 historic renovations in the French Quarter using reclaimed materials.
  3. I researched renewable energy and waste redevelopment processes for large scale implementation in construction.
  4. I managed construction and demolition projects for historic buildings while reusing and recycling up to 90% of existing materials