Problem Solver

Mikaah Mangatoo

Areas Mikaah Mangatoo is Knowledgeable in:

I’m mostly strong in analyzing things such as crime, domestic contract laws, and sometimes it can be scientific. Blueprint writing is anther thing I can do along with engineering physical objects.

Mikaah Mangatoo's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Making medical mask blueprints
  2. Analysis
  3. Writing blueprints
  4. Contract law
  5. Customer service
  6. Sales
  7. Domestic Law

Mikaah Mangatoo's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I analyzed the difference between how a virus and reverse engineered virus reacting in a humid or dry heated environment would react. I came to the realization that viruses thrive in Moderate humidity which is common on the eastern coastline where I live. I found that the virus would eventually spread much faster since gases or vapors disperse in heat. Since covid-19 spreads through vapors, I found that filtering the air properly was definitely a solution. But how do you filter air coming in through your nose and mouth without suffocating? I found the answer to that problem. 1, the air one breathes must be redirected to a different direction from the eyes. 2, air must be filtered through the nose and mouth. 3, moisture must be collected to keep vapors from becoming harmful. 4, one must be able to eat. 5, the way this is done must be affordable and recyclable so it is not harmful to the community. This is all done with a properly engineered medical mask. N-95 masks are out of date.