Problem Solver

Mikaela Larsell Ayesa

Mikaela Larsell Ayesa

Areas Mikaela Larsell Ayesa is Knowledgeable in:

Circular economy, environmental calculations & measurements, reverse logistics, business development, subscription model scaling, human resources...

Mikaela Larsell Ayesa's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Subscription Models
  2. Circular Business Models
  3. Life Cycle Assessment
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. Reverse Logistics

Mikaela Larsell Ayesa's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I founded and ran a company for 3 years with a subscription model to prolong the life of clothes through circulation between many users.
  2. I developed a patented medicine for Hepatitis C.
  3. I developed a framework for circular business models to integrate circular economy methods and tools into their business development.