Problem Solver

Milana Filatenkova

Milana Filatenkova

Areas Milana Filatenkova is Knowledgeable in:

Mathematical modelling, Machine learning, Data analysis, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Genomics

Techniques Milana Filatenkova Uses:

probability theory, stochastic differential equations, statistical inference, machine learning

Milana Filatenkova's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Python
  2. R
  3. Statistics
  4. Python scipy
  5. Web-scraping with RSelenium & Python Scrapy
  6. Python numpy
  7. Python pandas
  8. SQL

Milana Filatenkova's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - I solved stochastic differential equations for starch polymerization using branching
    theory and Gillespie algorithm (implemented in rule-based modeling language - Kappa)
    and fit the solution to chain length distribution data
  2. - I carried out analysis of motion sensor data obtained from pro riders: I filtered noisy
    accelerometer and gyroscope readings and combined them to extract motion highlights
  3. - I derived a Hidden Markov Chain model to quantify the key parameters of a molecular
    system from large noisy genomics data (100 Mb)