Problem Solver

Mmaphuti Josias Maboka

Mmaphuti Josias Maboka

Areas Mmaphuti Josias Maboka is Knowledgeable in:

Physical Sciences

Techniques Mmaphuti Josias Maboka Uses:

Need Assessment is the first step before execution,and understand what problem am i solving, which assist on coming up with the solution.

Research plays a very crucial part as is part of mentioned above.

Mmaphuti Josias Maboka's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Communication
  2. Mathematically skilled
  3. Technically skilled
  4. Researcher
  5. Critical Thinker
  6. Business Person
  7. Computer Literate

Mmaphuti Josias Maboka's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a solar-magnetic generator that uses solar panels, motors and magnets for electricity generation.