Problem Solver

Mohamed Ali

Mohamed Ali

Areas Mohamed Ali is Knowledgeable in:

Products Innovation and design (especially consumer products), Telecommunication,Cars and vehicles designs,

Techniques Mohamed Ali Uses:

I get new inspirational ideas by connecting the unrelated things. I observe the people, things & nature very keenly and get new Ideas and thought out of it.
I get solutions for the problems by out of the box approach.

Mohamed Ali's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Sensing new business opportunities
  2. Ideation
  3. Out of box thinking

Mohamed Ali's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Idea : User is Driving... Please CALL After Sometime
    Description:While we call we get these responses. "Swith off", "Not reachable", "Number is Busy" ..... Why not we have one more option?" User is Driving, Please Call later or Send Voicemail". My idea is about avoiding accidents due to Speaking or texting while DRIVING. We can restrict calls while driving. Should be only for the driver one who is driving not for all.
  2. Idea: Water Dispenser (or Water Cooler) integrated with REFRIGERATOR as a single product:
    1. We can combine AC & Refrigerator as one product, a. Can have compact refrigeration section along with air conditioners. (or) b. Can have compact air conditioner segment on top of refrigerator. It will beneficial for middle class people both in terms of finance as well as space. People need not buy separate product, As middle class people mostly have one or two rooms ,Then why should they buy two products? Instead of one. This solutions for the cost effective.
    2. integrate product like Laser STARFILED PROJECTORS along with AC, to make them experience the night effect of stars.
    3. Also if possible we can add air blowers, music systems or home theatre speakers
    4. Always we have seen only HORIZONTAL AC's mounted on wall. Why can't we have VERTICAL AC's and also so lean.
  3. Idea: REGION Based AD's displaying service from GPS Navigation System
    REGION BASED ADvertisment: Mostly people while travelling, in halfway they used to stop and go for shopping or restuarant like that... Usually they will ask any local person over there and then will reach it. WHY NOT WE provide information or AD's related to their present location in their LCD display, after tracking location from GPS Navigation system.
  4. Idea: SMART Water Dispenser/Cooler:
    Description: Why not we make Water Dispenser/Cooler smart? "When there is no Water in the dispenser it would send alert via sms or bluetooth to appropriate persons."
    Problem description: Lets take the example of Bottled Water dispenser, Frequently its bottle needs to be changed. If there is no water, people will know it immediately.
    Idea/Solution for the problem: To fill this gap. Why not we integrate the device GSM or Bluetooth Device to alert user via message when the water level is low in the Water Dispenser/Cooler.Send the alert message to the user and the person who delivers water.
  5. 3. i-Watch can act as single sole device to lock and unlock all lockers.
    4. Bike Finder: Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a bike if we park in public places like Malls, Railway Station, Bus stand.
  6. Idea description:
    1. Access card: Instead of using access card, i watch can act as an access device for entrance in corporates.
    2. i-Watch Controlling Home Appliances and Vehicles: For e.g,
    a. Watch Controlled Water Heater: Start water heater based on Alram Time
    b. Watch with New Alarm,,,,, Whats different here???.. Wrist watch with Alarm.
    But also it gives light (minor) shock or vibrate to user to wake him up (can be configurable as option).
    d. Apple i-Watch as a key for Automated Lockers:
    Usually we carry many keys for office and everywhere. (For e.g, Key of bike, car, home, lockers, ...etc.) Instead of that, What if the