Innovative People

Mohd Shakkah

Mohd Shakkah Dr. Moh`D Suliman Shakkah gained his Ph.D. in Information Technology (IT) in 2013, from UUM University, Malaysia. His Master’s, also in IT, was obtained in 2007 from Malaysia, the University of Science Malaysia. He worked as an assistant professor for 3 years at Al Baha University at the undergraduate and postgraduate level (MBA program), in Saudi Arabia. In addition, he was a lecturer and vice dean at Al Ghad International University for 2 years in KSA. Dr. Shakkah has many publications some of which are indexed in SCOPUS, specializing in Information Systems (IS). Recently, he joined the Gulf College academic team. His current research interests include acceptance & usability, System modeling, big data, cloud computing, and IoT.

Languages Mohd Shakkah speaks:
