Problem Solver

Mohona Bhattacharjee

Mohona Bhattacharjee

Areas Mohona Bhattacharjee is Knowledgeable in:

Business - operations, finance, planning
Human Resources

Mohona Bhattacharjee's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Operations
  2. Recruitment
  3. Business Planning
  4. Sales
  5. Marketing

Mohona Bhattacharjee's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I worked with a boutique hotel in India and streamlined their marketing and operational costs, whilst taking them from an average 20% capacity to 100% capacity over the course of 6 months through viable marketing strategies and ample coverage in various media platforms.
  2. I have worked in recruitment for a few years and have partnered with a multitude of clients to deliver solutions across a variety of industries
  3. I have put together and delivered business plans for companies spanning from financial consultancies to travel businesses, legal consultancies and more