Problem Solver

Muhammad Saad

Muhammad Saad

Areas Muhammad Saad is Knowledgeable in:

Vector Analysis
Advance Calculus
Solid Geometry
Probability Theory
Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Linear Programming
Mathematical Logic
Ordinary Differential Equations
Special Functions
Partial Differential Equations
Real Analysis
Number Theory
Numerical Analysis
Integral Equations
Difference Equations
Tensor Analysis
Functional Analysis
Differential Geometry
Complex Analysis
Measure Theory

Techniques Muhammad Saad Uses:

I am solving the problem my self and I can write the solutions using LaTex and Microsoft Word and I have the ability to solve and rite soft copy of more than 12 difficult problems daily. In the case for the elementary problems I can solve more and more.

Muhammad Saad's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Mathematica
  2. LaTex
  3. Mable
  4. Matlab
  5. Scientific Writing

Muhammad Saad's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - I have 8 years experience in Teaching. Mathematics in Several academies.
    - I solved many problems and taught many curses in most branches of Mathematics