Innovative People

Nahid Mammadov

Nahid Mammadov As the author says: “The greatest enemy of tomorrow`s success is today`s success”. Hence my paramount attention is focused on the link and alignment between strategy and daily activities of the business within a changing world context.
Highly motivated business partner with a capability to contribute to organization`s entrepreneurial activity to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Have about 15 years of professional experience in banking with a passion for innovation.
Managed variety of projects within risk, consulting and assurance, and innovation.
Deeply convinced that innovation is the only way to win!
Nahid Mammadov practiced product and services creation and development using design thinking method, as well as business model and organizational innovation.

He is Innovation Management Consultant accredited by Innovation 360 Group, Stockholm.

Languages Nahid Mammadov speaks:

Turkish, Azerbaijani