Problem Solver

Ntogwa Bundala

Ntogwa Bundala

Areas Ntogwa Bundala is Knowledgeable in:

-Security and policing
-Research and publication
-Practices in Finance and economics
-Data analysis
-Statistics and mathematical modeling

Techniques Ntogwa Bundala Uses:

- Research and training
-Seminar and workshop lecturing and participating
-Community stakeholders analysis
-Networking -Stakeholders Discussions (NSD)
- Survey (online and offline)

Ntogwa Bundala's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. -I have built up the strategy for profitability and growth of the listed companies by using their financing behaviour
    - have developed the "social security model" -SSM that uses community Local ICT supporting tools
    -I have built up the "optimal financing model" for the listed companies by using the companies operating behaviours
    -I have established the mitigation strategies on voters' misinformation during the political campaign in Tanzania by using political intelligence and changing the campaign methodology from assaultive and defensive to informative and criticism
    - I have examined the Chinese workforce Intensity to Chinese economy and established economic remedial strategies in China