Problem Solver

Prashant Singh

Prashant Singh

Areas Prashant Singh is Knowledgeable in:

Java technology

Techniques Prashant Singh Uses:

I follow the algorithm approach which involves
1. developing the algorithm
2. testing the algorithm
3. translating to code
Besides I also use frameworks and design patterns

Prashant Singh's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. java, jsp, servlets, struts, spring hibernate, groovy, grails, elastic search, java script

Prashant Singh's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. /*Code for adding digital signature to pdf*/
    // Load the document
    PDFSecure pdfDoc = new PDFSecure ("input.pdf", null);

    // Load the keystore that contains the digital id to use in signing
    FileInputStream pkcs12Stream = new FileInputStream ("keystore.pfx");
    KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
    store.load(pkcs12Stream, "store_pwd".toCharArray());

    // Create signing information
    SigningInformation signInfo = new SigningInformation (store, "key_alias", "key_pwd");

    // Create signature field on the first page
    Rectangle2D signBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double (36, 36, 144, 48);
    SignatureField signField = pdfDoc.addSignatureField(0, "signature", signBounds);

    // Apply digital signature
    pdfDoc.signDocument(signField, signInfo);

    // Save the document
    pdfDoc.saveDocument ("output.pdf");