Problem Solver

Sabin Panthi

Sabin Panthi

Areas Sabin Panthi is Knowledgeable in:

I am particularly interested in Manufacturing, costumer and product relations, Artificial intelligence, Information and Technology, Python-programming and automations.

Techniques Sabin Panthi Uses:

As i am already a problem solver in mindsumo, I employ following skills:
1. Identifying and understanding the problem
2.Brainstorming and generating solutions
3. Implementing and monitoring the solution

Sabin Panthi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Latest Technologies
  2. Optimized solutions
  3. Web Development
  4. Problem Solving

Sabin Panthi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I worked in mindsumo. I helped Lenovo to redesign their manuals for users.
  2. I worked in mindsumo. I helped reposition Palmolive Ultra dish soap in the minds of consumers.