Problem Solver

Salvador Guerrero

Salvador Guerrero

Areas Salvador Guerrero is Knowledgeable in:

Problem Solving
Work Methods and Process Improvement
Operational Analysis
Continuous Quality Improvement
Market Research
Strategic Planning
Business Planning
Project Evaluations

Techniques Salvador Guerrero Uses:

The Scientific Method
Root Analysis
Ishikawa Diagram
Pareto Chart
Brainstorming and Brainwriting

Salvador Guerrero's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Market Research
  2. Business Planning
  3. Project Evaluations
  4. Methods Engineering
  5. Work Measurement (Time Studies and Work Sampling)
  6. Wage Management (Points Method)
  7. Problem Solving
  8. Training
  9. Statistical Process Control
  10. Piece a Work Payments
  11. Work Environment Measurement
  12. Continuos Quality Improvement
  13. Teaching
  14. Strategic Planning
  15. Organizational Development of Working Environment

Salvador Guerrero's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a Suggestions Program to help with a massive division motivation problem.
  2. I designed a new method for air spraying that saved about 40% of operational costs of aerial spraying in a bananas commercial plantation.
  3. I developed a new method of harvesting that saved around US $1,000,000 per year to my employer.