Problem Solver

Samuel Barrera

I'm a licensed Chemist with vast experience in the pharma-chemical industry for sterile-solid dosage products, third manufacturing contract, environmental-industrial labs, biotechnology and others.

Areas Samuel Barrera is Knowledgeable in:

Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Laboratory Controls, Technical Services, Manufacturing, Environmental sciences, aquaculture.I

Techniques Samuel Barrera Uses:

Kepner-Tregoe, Tagushi-fish bone, mapping and paretto analyses.

Samuel Barrera's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Laboratory Controls assesment and implementation

Samuel Barrera's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Based on Kepner Tregoe Methodology I conducted over 500 quality investigations for non-conformance events in the pharmaceutical industry, which conducted to implemente effective corrective/preventive actions. Also, developed and implemented quality investigations procedure at regional level for a 500 fortune pharmaceutical.