Problem Solver

Sidharth Kotwal

Sidharth Kotwal

Areas Sidharth Kotwal is Knowledgeable in:

Business process reengineering, research project , public policy

Techniques Sidharth Kotwal Uses:

Brainstorming ideas, researching on them and structuring them to contest needs

Sidharth Kotwal's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Creativity
  2. Problem solving

Sidharth Kotwal's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. 1st prize for most futuristic plan on
    Hyve crowd
    The 'most futuristic idea' was awarded to my submission 'Self sustaining futuristic city'. The idea describes a futuristic city led by technology and innovation to provide better solutions in different key areas. Some futuristic aspects of my contribution was using plastic-consuming bacteria, advanced drone usage, and certain applications of blockchain technology with use of iot and sensor based applications.