Innovative People

Steven Holness

As a complete novice in the world of innovation, I came up with this idea while doing the tedious task of changing the dustbin. With all the mess, time wasted and annoyance, it seemed to me there must be an easier and less time consuming way of changing the bin. I then set about listing all the tasks that you would go through to change a bin, for example, opening the lid, tying the bag, removing the bag, tearing a new bag off the roll and subsequently replacing it. Could I make this any easier?
Yes! To me it was simple. By placing the bag at the bottom of the bin, which in addition would combat the mess usually associated with a split bag and elimate the complexity of tearing a bag off a roll, I decided to make the bin rotate, in order to counteract the split bag problem and to tear the next bag ready to be used. Hence the birth of the SGH - Spinning Garbage Holder.