Problem Solver

Swaroop Kumar

Areas Swaroop Kumar is Knowledgeable in:

Machine Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, Programming

Techniques Swaroop Kumar Uses:

I think deeply about the problem and try to go back to it's foundations. I try and model it mathematically where possible or run simulationd and come up with a general approach that can help solve any problem of it's type.

Swaroop Kumar's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Docker
  2. Pandas
  3. Flask
  4. Rest API
  5. Generative AI
  6. Natural language processing
  7. Data augmentation
  8. Data preprocessing
  9. Deep learning
  10. Machine learning
  11. Programming
  12. Kubernetes
  13. Dashboards
  14. Bash scripting
  15. Knowledge graphs
  16. Computer vision

Swaroop Kumar's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed an approach to automatic deep-learning based question answering on relational databases to derive insights from large structured data
  2. I came up with an approach to analyze thousands of conversations between customers and agents and derive insights such as root cause of conversations, steps taken, resolution, etc
  3. I developed a method to create synthetic images of biochemical molecules with real-world noise
  4. I developed a method to use machine learning for identification of food-borne bacteria from sensor readings of a novel nano-surface biosensor
  5. I developed a novel method to synthetically augment laparoscopy surgical videos with realistic blood flow simulations for surgeon and AI model training