Innovative People

David Youngblood

David Youngblood Polyopic Polymath and Problem Solver |§| Serial Autodidact:

"I've found that the moon is tiresome. We've been there, and there have been many moon-shots since. I'm pursuing a Galaxy-Shot, because I can't wait to see what's out there. Care to join me?" - David Youngblood

I've spent a great deal of time, energy, and effort in attempting to find and carve out my place in this world as a professional and as an individual. In this journey, I've met tons of great people, and had wonderful opportunities across several industries.

From these experiences, I've learned a few overlying principles that now govern most of my day-to-day decision making when it comes to how I choose to spend my time and who I choose to spend it with.

- Work/Life/Sleep Balance (Family First, does your schedule agree?)
- Love what you do, and do what you love! (If you have what you hold, what are YOU holding on to?)
- Response OVER Reaction. (Take pause and choose how to respond from center, rather than simply react from instinct/emotion.)
- Progress OVER Perfection! (One of the greatest inhibitors of growth...)
- "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - Steven R. Covey (as that is much easier, and shorter to say than what could be said for the rest.)