Problem Solver

Thomas Ledesma

Thomas Ledesma

Areas Thomas Ledesma is Knowledgeable in:

I am very knowledgeable in areas such as problem solving, running a construction, and solar company. My biggest interest is stil comming up with new innovated ideas that either help or pleasure people and family needs, such as designing out door equipment, indoor furnishings, automobile safety equipment, games and even medical supply's and equipment also.

Techniques Thomas Ledesma Uses:

well I'm in the construction field so I deal with problem solving problems every day.
I deal with problems in the plumbing field, electrical field, and even the designing field also.

Thomas Ledesma's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Inventing new products, and problem solving

Thomas Ledesma's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have a couple portfolios filled with new invention that solve many problems out there in the medical, home products, outdoor environment, and even auto field as well. As years go on I see my invention being developed by others out there were as if I had the finance backing or the trust by someone or company to show them what I really can do.