Problem Solver

Tony Helfrich

Tony Helfrich

Areas Tony Helfrich is Knowledgeable in:

I am best at designing solutions for problems that are of a mechanical nature, something that I can manufacture.

Techniques Tony Helfrich Uses:

The most important step is to properly identify the problem.
I then start a brainstorming process. Thinking out of the box.
I then start evaluating 2 or 3 of the possible solutions and identify the best solution.
I then start designing it and refining it on the computer.
I then manufacture a prototype and begin testing and fine tuning the design.

Tony Helfrich's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Going through an iterative process to improve the solution
  2. Designing solutions through computer technology
  3. Visualising solutions
  4. Identifying the problem
  5. Manufacturing prototypes

Tony Helfrich's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have developed a solution that makes it more difficult to bypass domestic electrical meters this reducing the incidence of theft of electricity.
  2. I have patented a band saw design that is simple in design and is more efficient that other band saw designs.
  3. I have an idea that will improve the effectiveness of normal road pot hole repair
  4. I have come up with a unique clothes washing machine that uses less water.
  5. I have improved on current Solar Water Heater design in a novel and unique way which makes it more efficient and effective. This design simplifies manufacture.