Problem Solver

Vinay Bhagat

Vinay Bhagat

Areas Vinay Bhagat is Knowledgeable in:

Innovation, green, electric, composite, and modal transport, ambient systems, augmented mixed reality.

Techniques Vinay Bhagat Uses:

Design Thinking, Mind Mapping, Intuitions, User Experience (UX) research.

Vinay Bhagat's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Modal and Composite Transport Solutions
  2. Technical Writing
  3. Innovation
  4. User Experience Writing
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Ambient System Solutions for Children and Senior Citizens
  7. Background Noise Reduction Solutions
  8. Web3 and dApps development

Vinay Bhagat's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. * I submitted invention disclosures related to technical documentation for IBM India Software Lab Bangalore, India. My invention won a CSAT of 8.74 on the scale of 10.

    * I won a team award for Personalized Trip Planner web app in the GovHack organized in Auckland by NZ Government in July, 2016.

    * I participated in RocketGov in November, 2023 organized by the European Commission and RocketChat Pvt; Ltd.