Problem Solver

Ewo Yewakeze

Ewo Yewakeze

Areas Ewo Yewakeze is Knowledgeable in:

Sales and business development.
Hospitality and people in that sphere.

Techniques Ewo Yewakeze Uses:


Ewo Yewakeze's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. communication skills, time management, organisational, team player, innovative, consultation

Ewo Yewakeze's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I was part of a group during my voluntary work at an NGO where we were supposed to visit schools and sensitise youths on the prevalence of climate change and health issues. We did not have the tools or resources to pass on the information very effectively, so I came up with the idea of applying and seeking external funds from companies withing and out of the country. This was not only insiteful but it brought positive participation from both sides.