Problem Solver

Vlad Dobre

Vlad Dobre
I am not a specialist (well...except logistics. And interpersonal relations)
But i know how people think and work
And i can put your specialists together in a team that will work so good that the end result will be more than the sum of it's parts.
And this is what all is about. :)

Areas Vlad Dobre is Knowledgeable in:

Sociology; Helping the world; Fight crime and disease; Fight depression (worst disease of the civilized world); Economics; Technology (all that is new is interesting for me)

Techniques Vlad Dobre Uses:

a... i think? :)
Now really... first i think about the problem; break it down into separate parts (mini - problems); see what people tried before & why it didn't work; try to give several solutions to each mini-problem; then we put it all together and BAM! - the problem is solved :)

Vlad Dobre's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Logistics
  2. Process analysis

Vlad Dobre's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Also I'm proud that one of my ideas was chosen for review & possible implementation in the fight against Ebola by a commission formed by specialists from USAID, Ministry of Defense, Center for Disease Control + others in the field. - USAID challenge challange details - my profile My ideea