Flyt 16 Personal Drone Transport

Flyt 16 Personal Drone Transport
The Flyt 16 drone from Flyt Aerospace can lift a person into the air, opening the door to a new generation of transportation options.

The team from Flyt Aerospace aims to change the future of personal transport, and their Flyt 16 VTOL drone prototype shows that they are well on their way. Three years in the making, the battery powered Flyt 16 is equipped with 16 propellers, and can fly with a person about two feet off the ground for ten minutes.

According to the company, their primary goal is to perfect the flying portion of the device and allow the end user to attach modules, such as for cargo or humans, to the bottom.

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As Problem is posed the primary need is to enhance pay load which can be achieved by higher lift . for the Propellers two primary parameter control this disc area and solidity ratio. within the design configuration scope of addition of one more blade on each rotor needs to be explored and it's consequences . Probably we may not be able to accept any harmful effects due addition of blade.

Secondly a new configuration be thought of like contra rotating rotors like Kamov helicopter. here the disc diameter can be chosen larger. But limitation on power utilization rate would dictate endurance and range
Posted by VINOD R DAHAKE on January 11, 2017
Young people are better guinea pigs and first versions might be ‘moonwalk’ and mobile trampolines. Combining Flyt 16 (Jan-05-17) and Hanging Robot (Jul-30-17) this could be done in a cheap and safe way, a drone which can’t fly.
Posted by Uolevi Kattun on August 9, 2017
Drones or any other Aircraft, needs more input energy while take off, when compared to move forward in air. We can try Glider take off technology for drones also. Drones will take off / land at specified platforms, which can be installed everywhere, specifically on Buildings Top. And hence, we can use them extensively, even for public transportation.
Posted by Rama Lilnga Swamy on August 9, 2017

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