Golden Goose Scrambles Eggs in the Shell

Golden Goose Scrambles Eggs in the Shell
The Golden Goose can scramble an egg inside its shell in 15 seconds, opening the door to a new range of egg dishes while also cutting down a bit on the dirty dishes.

Already exceeding its funding goal on Kickstarter, the Golden Goose is a hand-powered gadget able to in-shell scramble an egg to create what its creator calls a Golden Egg. The device holds the egg within a padded chamber attached to a pair of looped-rope handles. As the user pulls on the handles, the chamber will spin in alternating rotations, causing the yolk and white of the egg to mix together without the introduction of outside air.

The Golden Eggs can be used in any dish that calls for eggs, and according to developer Geraint Krumpe, they are more flavorful than eggs prepared in the normal fashion. And, since the egg is mixed in the shell, there are a few less dishes to wash.

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