PAL-V Flying Car

PAL-V Flying Car
The PAL-V brings flying cars to the real world, incorporating a three-wheeled vehicle and a single retractable rotor and propeller.

The PAL-V includes a patented "tilting system" that provides it with motorcycle-like agility. It is allowed to fly at altitudes under 4000 feet and requires only a Sports Pilot license to operate, with a short take off and landing capability that make it easy to land in a variety of areas.

The PAL-V can transform from car to gyrocopter, and back again, in about 10 minutes, which makes it ideal for a variety of professional uses such as medical and police.

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The cops will get one first.
Posted by Alex reid on May 16, 2012
The PAL-V is not a helicopter, it is a gyrocopter.
As such it likely has fewer mechanical linkages and moving parts than a helicopter implying higher reliability and lower maintenance requirements. Unfortunately unlike a helicopter it does require a runway (or road) to accelerate horizontally prior to takeoff, i.e. it cannot takeoff vertically nor can it hover.
Posted by Leif Kirschenbaum on May 16, 2012
Being a aeronautical engineer I see thru this idea of general flight for all. For those of us in the industry it is great but to have anyone even with advanced training or routine private pilot training is sure disaster. To have so many of these to justify production costs to meet both the masses and roll in a sizable profit seems doomed from the start. There are too many variables of what can go wrong. Bad weather is the biggest and pressure gradients, remember high to low look out below? We complain about every idiot on the road how will the sky's be when flooded with buzzing whirl y birds flying about? Or how about a malfunction and a panic stricken pilot inexperienced with flight? No I think we need fuel free gravity control first then this concept will work. When that happens then Kudos to all but till then keep em rolling along.
Posted by Michael Tramontano on May 16, 2012
Maybe we should work more on a real FLYING CAR:
Posted by June Yasol on May 16, 2012
Dear Sirs:

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Golden Dome CO.,LTD
Adress:NO76, Yingxie Road, Zhengzhou ,China
Posted by snow li on May 17, 2012
Great thing ,I hope it will be successful ,soon it will be on roads and in the sky
Posted by Ashok Kumar on May 17, 2012
It seems to be a very good innovation, I would like to know further details about it. Thank you.
Posted by Waseem Nawaz Mohammed on May 17, 2012
ok, this is a great innovation. I would like to be one of the few to own this vehicle or maybe if it is already viable, I would also like to invest & be a dealer/distributor here in our country of this technology. Please give me some feedback regarding this.
Posted by Raul Canopin on May 26, 2012
Will relish to possess one,how much will cost?
Posted by yaw buabeng on June 6, 2012
k, this is a great innovation. I would like to be one of the few to own this vehicle or maybe if it is already viable, I would also like to invest & be a dealer/distributor here in our country of this technology. Please give me some feedback regarding this.
elmo masserini
Posted by ELMOVITTORIO MASSERINI on June 21, 2012

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