Seeing Without Eyes

Seeing Without Eyes
Fifteen years after losing her sight, Bernardeta Gomez is able to recognize lights and play a basic video game via a brain implant that signals straight to her brain's visual cortex.

Researchers in Spain embedded a camera in a pair of glasses to record her field of view and send it to a computer. The computer converts the data into electrical impulses the brain can read and forwards it to the brain implant via a cable plugged into a port in her skull.

The implant stimulates neurons in her visual cortex which she sees as yellow dots and shapes which she has learnt to interpret as objects.

Although still in its infancy, the developers aim to be able to return sight to many of the world's people whose vision has been lost due to toxic optic neueropathy.

Seeing Without Eyes

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Yes you've accessed the optical nerve. The retina is read by the brain one rod or cone at a time, through the optical nerve. There are likely several subdivisions within the brain that function with different portions of the optical nerves to comprise human sight, all in connection with the retina's photo-sensors. All of this must function together with the physical structure of your brains vision center
Good luck with your efforts.
Posted by James Brandt on February 19, 2020
A very interesting Idea for much needed solution for untold number of individuals.
Posted by Bill Montague on April 22, 2020

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