The nfant Feeding Solution Monitors Neonate Feeding

The nfant Feeding Solution Monitors Neonate Feeding
The nfant Feeding Solution detects and monitors tongue motion to determine when fragile infants are ready to tackle bottle or breast feeding.

Like many seriously ill patients, nenoates are often placed on feeding tubes until they gain the strength to nurse on their own, Determining when these infants are ready to move on from the tube, however, can be difficult. To simplify the process, NFANT Labs developed the nfant Feeding Solution, which recently received FDA clearance.

The system is made up of a disposable coupling that fits between the bottle and nipple, and a sensor able to detect the motions of the tongue and send the data to a paired device. The data can be observed in real time, and is also sent to the cloud to allow for viewing by a remote clinician.

The nfant Feeding Solution Monitors Neonate Feeding

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