Xeros Waterless Washing Machine Being Developed for Domestic Use

Xeros Waterless Washing Machine Being Developed for Domestic Use
The Xeros washing machine cleans clothes with beads instead of hot water, drastically reducing water, energy and detergent usage, and could soon be appearing on the mass market.

The Xeros washing machine is designed to work with the specially-created Xeros beads, which the company claims can be used hundreds of times and are completely recyclable. The beads’ ability to agitate the clothes along with their hydrophobic nature allows them to attract and carry away soils using less water and less detergent. The beads are automatically removed from the clothes during the Xeros’s special bead separation cycle, and are stored in the machine to be released during the next wash cycle.

The Xeros machines are already in use in select athletic clubs, cleaners and Hyatt hotel, and the company is now developing a prototype for the domestic market.

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