IdeaConnection Innovation

Posts in February 2020

Crowdsourcing the Discovery of New Mineral Reserves

Crowdsourcing the Discovery of New Mineral Reserves

Feb-28-20 By IdeaConnection
South Australia is offering a cool $250,000 (USD 166,000) to entice people to help uncover more mineral reserves. This five-month crowdsourcing challenge kicks off on March 2 and will encourage participants to use machine-learning techniques, alternative mathematical and data analysis approaches.
Musical Robot To Go On Tour

Musical Robot To Go On Tour

Feb-26-20 By IdeaConnection
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome on stage, Shimon, the singer-songwriter robot." Theater MCs may well be making that announcement soon as the marimba-playing musical robot is about to go on tour to promote his first album. Shimon was first introduced to the public in 2017 and since then has polished his act by learning to dance, sing, write lyrics and compose melodies.
Inspirational Quotes on Failure

Inspirational Quotes on Failure

Feb-21-20 By IdeaConnection
Whether you're a scientist, engineer, artist, entrepreneur or innovator, sometimes things will not play out as well as you hoped.If you're frightened of failure or preparing to throw in the towel because you're struggling with your latest innovation, be inspired by the words of highly successful people whose failures spurred them on to do great things.
Crowdsourcing Solutions For A Sensor To Survive Venus

Crowdsourcing Solutions For A Sensor To Survive Venus

Feb-19-20 By IdeaConnection
Venus is not the most hospitable planet in the solar system. It has a surface temperature of 462°C (863°F) and an atmospheric pressure that is more than 90 times stronger than the Earth's. NASA thinks it has the technology and the smarts to design Venus-resistant electronics, but just to be on the safe side, it is seeking external help with a crowdsourcing competition.