IdeaConnection Innovation

Posts in Innovation

Open Innovation Contest Could Help Launch Your Startup

Open Innovation Contest Could Help Launch Your Startup

Aug-26-16 By IdeaConnection
Freudenberg Performance Materials, a manufacturer of technical textiles is looking for external input to help it develop products for next generation materials and products.

Scientists, students, developers, organizations and any other interested parties are being invited to take part in the Next-Generation Nonwovens open innovation competition.  And if you're the winner, you will receive Freudenberg’s help to realize your startup.
Innovation Quotes to Fuel Creative Minds

Innovation Quotes to Fuel Creative Minds

Jul-22-16 By IdeaConnection
Let's head into the weekend with a few quotes about innovation to help inspire us all to think differently and unblock innovation roadblocks.

I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO and founder
Swimming Cap Innovation Helps Blind Swimmers

Swimming Cap Innovation Helps Blind Swimmers

Jun-03-16 By IdeaConnection
Samsung Electronics and creative agency Cheil Spain have developed an innovative swimming cap for visually impaired swimmers.

Blind Cap lets them know when to flip at the end of a pool to complete another length, and will be particularly useful for those entering races in the Paralympics.
Great Technology Quotes

Great Technology Quotes

Sep-30-15 By IdeaConnection
Whether you are potting about in your garden shed inventing things, someone who believes they are sitting on the next big thing or a top flight engineer, here is a handful of thought provoking technology quotes to inspire and amuse:

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” - Isaac Asimov, author
Can You Find Novel Applications for a New Membrane Technology?

Can You Find Novel Applications for a New Membrane Technology?

Aug-18-15 By IdeaConnection
Calling all innovators and creative smarts. IdeaConnection has a fascinating innovation contest for you to get stuck into, from Strategic Allies.

The UK-based company is looking for novel applications for a new membrane material in a few specific industrial sectors of interest: automotive, packaging and dosing. If your solution is selected, €1,000 (approx. $US 1,000) is yours.
Crowd Accelerated Innovation from IdeaConnection

Crowd Accelerated Innovation from IdeaConnection

Aug-08-15 By IdeaConnection
You’re a company with a challenging problem and you want it solved. You get in touch what IdeaConnection and it pools together members of its global network of solvers to help. A few weeks later you have your brilliant solution.  Job done.

IdeaConnection has earned a stellar reputation for solving complex problems for its clients, including Fortune 500 companies.  Therefore, it may not surprise you to learn that in addition to its existing portfolio of open innovation approaches, it is taking the paradigm to the next level.  With its new industry challenges service, IdeaConnection's solvers will proactively tackle industry-specific roadblocks to scientific, technological and engineering advances in any field.
NASA Gives Innovation a Stellar Boost

NASA Gives Innovation a Stellar Boost

Apr-28-15 By IdeaConnection
You may never get to ride in a spacecraft or walk on the moon, but you can get your hands on lots of NASA data to help you come up with ground-breaking innovations.

The space agency is giving away thousands of terrestrial and space-based data sets through its NASA Data Portal.
An Invisible Paint to Keep Cyclists Safe

An Invisible Paint to Keep Cyclists Safe

Apr-21-15 By IdeaConnection
Every year in many countries of the world, thousands of cyclists are injured or killed in road accidents.

Hoping to reduce the number of casualties is the Swedish car manufacturer Volvo, which has come up with an innovative and invisible spray paint for bikes.  So, what's the good of an invisible paint?
Coffee Bean Innovation that can Power London’s Buildings

Coffee Bean Innovation that can Power London’s Buildings

Mar-02-15 By IdeaConnection
Many of us need a morning cup of coffee to kick start our day, but coffee can do more than fuel our minds, it can power buildings and transport as well.

A UK based start-up, called Bio-Bean is turning used coffee beans from London coffee shops into green energy.
New Alan Turing Institute to Open

New Alan Turing Institute to Open

Feb-09-15 By IdeaConnection
Alan Turing, one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century is rightly being lauded again for his achievements thanks to interest in his work generated by the biopic The Imitation Game.

His legacy will live on in the soon to be opened Alan Turing Institute in the UK.  Its headquarters will be based at the British Library in London and five universities will lead its work in maximizing the benefits of big data.

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